Snake Diet Review | Diet Scam or Best for Weight Loss?

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Snake Diet Overview

snake diet

If you have searched for diets on the Internet, you might as well already heard about the Snake Diet. But is it just another useless fad diet or a legit weight loss diet? Find out in this Snake Diet Review.


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What is The Snake Diet?

According to the taste testers of the New York Times, it is a diet that is high in fruits and vegetables with very limited meat. People can choose between the regular and the low-carb diets. The Downside to the Snake Diet is the limited meat allowance. Proteins are essential in any diet to keep your metabolism up, thats why ketogenic diets such as “The Custom Keto Diet” work so well for weight loss. 

It is also also low in processed and fast foods and meat products. So it’s not a diet that heavily involve fruit and vegetables but at the same time, it is focused on them. It’s a diet that focuses on moderation rather than restriction.

So what’s wrong with this Snake diet? The diet looks like a good idea on paper and to some people, it will apparently provide a lot of great health benefits like weight loss and preventing diabetes. But if you have ever seen the standard linear weight loss diet at all, you would know that such diets usually do not adapt the metabolism well enough to produce a calorie deficit which would also cause the “hangry effect”.



Isn’t it the case with the snake diet too? In a very explainable statement, Dr. Chris Camargo, a nutritionist, also said that the Snake diet “doesn’t work for me”. You have to find the cause first before trying to fix this diet. You just won’t get the results that you desire. You may think that one meal a day is a lot for a small person. But if you want to maintain that small meal each day, you can also add more snacks to your meals and the eating sessions. First, I know that I harm my metabolism if I eat more than I need to.

One more snack per day feels like too much. How about the sleep? Very little people are able to get 6 to 8 hours of sleep each day. While people will talk about the health benefits of the Snake diet, the diet is sometimes attacked by weight loss experts. It is called the snake diet for its diet components and with these, it is trying to decrease the number of calories that the person consumes.

Weight loss experts will say that the diet is low in fruits and vegetables. But what are those fruits and vegetables in this diet? Not exactly healthy ones. According to the Snake Diet one of the main components are: arugula, wild yams, green peas, spinach, squash, carrots, cucumber, honeydew, and cashew nuts. Can you tell so many twigs and leaves in this healthy yet cheap food items list? That’s what you’ll be eating even more than fruit and vegetables.


Can You Lose Weight on The Snake Diet?

Loaded question, right? The “diet” is promoted on the website and appears to be backed by a small handful of researchers, who describe the Snake Diet as a way to “detox” from Western foods and embrace a diet high in veggies, tons of fresh seafood, whole grains, nuts and seeds. Though there’s the appearance of a legit scientific trial, the journal that published the dietary advice in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise is actually part of the Medical University of South Carolina.


The snake diet is just one of many bogus weight loss diets — one of upwards of 200 sold online. So, how legit is it? The answer may surprise you. If you’re curious about the details of the Snake Diet, I’m just the person to ask. I did a podcast with Hal Elrod, PhD in Psychology as well as a Nutrition & Dietetics major at Ohio State University.


Being a nutrition specialist, I was interested to see whether Hal and I would have similar reactions to a diet that claims to be one of the most effective ways of losing weight.

THE SCIENCE BEHIND THE SCIENCE But it’s important to understand the “science” behind published diet regimens before getting too excited. Many of these diets, like the snake one, started out as research studies and weren’t intended to be used as real diets. The diet regimens often used ingredients considered unsafe or restricted.

For example, Rimmington Diet, considered one of the first Western dieting plans, called for leeks, peppers, beets, potatoes and turnips to be “provisions” in the meal plan.

This menu supported the theory of an inflammatory response from Western foods, according to a 1910 article appearing in The Lancet that was later turned into “The Rimmington Diet: A Five-Week Diets Guide to Better Health.” Another example is a 1969 Harvard School of Public Health School of Public Health Nutrition study looking at a 105-pound weight loss.

The goal was to “diet” and “train” some 120 overweight Boston men to fall 20 pounds and eat five ounces of steak and two ounces of baked beans every day. The men were also encouraged to “discount” belly fat with old-style astringent teas that slashed liver and spleen fat — “more powerful than vitamin C,” according to one study — and to avoid alcohol.

According to the February 1970 issue of the Medical Years, the 150 men lost an average of 30 pounds in five months. An establishing step in the Western diet from the 1960s was the Stan Making Program, according to a table of contents noting “Specialty Food Products.


The Custom Keto Diet


Snake Diet Benefits

Are there still any benefits for the snake diet? The answer is: The jury is still out on this snake diet. What is the Snake Diet? The “snake diet” is just a name for a training program aimed to remove all the healthy foods your body naturally produces. Honoré de Balzac, a French writer, psychologist, and essayist, popularised the term “Hépellinage” in his 1793 book Comédie Positive. Basically, endorsing the lowest common denominator diet.


Who Invented This Diet Concept?

Balzac’s concept evolved into the snake diet. The “weight-loss driving philosophy of this diet,” according to the author, Vincent van Gogh, “is to procure, by abstinence, the maximum number of toxins in the largest number of convenient and least detrimental ways.” Weve learned a lot about the human body: It evolved to obtain nutrients from a wide variety of plants and animals, and the junk we consume today, such as fast food and drinks, is not only not beneficial for your body but also damaging to your health.

Balzac’s concept can be applied to many aspects of our lives, such as our diet. It can even be applied to your diet and to your life. The snake diet aims to remove all the healthy foods your body naturally produces.


In comparison, too much carbohydrates and junk food can cause inflammation. The snake diet is not healthy, according to the American Dietetic Association: “Consuming just about any sort of solid food that is solid in form and semisolid in consistency can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.


Consuming foods that are solid in form, such as ice cream, ice milk, and frozen dinners, is considered safe. Solid food that is semisolid in consistency, such as desserts or puddings, can increase the risk of heart attack or stroke if you combine it with other food that is solid in form and may cause inflammation in your body.”

Two cups of coffee in the morning is a “red flag” for health risk according to Harvard Medical School. More so, drinking your coffee younger than 28 years old. Hence the need to monitor the foods you consume as we grow up, drink water frequently, and eat a varied diet.


weight loss



To lose weight and avoid old age diseases, it’s beneficial to consume more , vegetables, legumes, and healthy fats. Also, the snake diet doesn’t allow high enough protein intake, which also contributes to struggles with a healthy aging process. The diet lacks any nutritional value. Are there better diets? Yes, “The Custom Keto Diet” provides a more holistic approach to weight loss!

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