Total War Pre Workout Review | Scam or Worth The Hype?

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Is Total War A Good Pre Workout?


Total War Pre Workout

(Guest Post by Charlie Meister)


Who hasn’t heard about the Total War Pre Workout by Redcon1? It’s right now perhaps one of the most mainstream pre-workout booster supplements available.

In any case, does it truly satisfy everyone’s expectations? What’s more, how can it compete with alternative products available?

Obviously, we purchased a tub of Total War to give you an independent review. We should take a nearer at the Redcon1 Total War Pre Workout to check whether it merits purchasing!

Total War Pre Workout has been reformulated a few times. The past rendition of this pre workout booster used to contain strong energizers like DMHA. This had made me extremely curious to check out, how the new recipe had ended up and if it’s ready to satisfy the promised claims.

There are countless distinctive pre workout boosters on the present market which implies that there is a ton of rivalry from different brands. Subsequent to inspecting a few no-nonsense pre workout products like BLACKWOLF, we figured the time had come to look at a more standard item. Time to impart my own insight to you folks!

On the off chance that you don’t have the opportunity to peruse my audit and need to understand what pre we suggest, check out BLACKWOLF.



My experience with the Total War Pre Workout


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I’m pumped up and prepared to test out the Total War Pre Workout Booster. Whilst checking the ingredients label, I can see that one scoop is almost 15 grams and contains more than 10 distinct servings.

I take one enormous scoop and empty it into my shaker alongside some water. I’ll be straightforward with you, the taste is somewhat unusual. It wasn’t actually my top choice and I experienced some difficulty getting used to the sweet taste. The flavor was strawberry mango.

For the best results, you should take Total War Pre Workout around 20 to 30 minutes before your exercise. I normally take my measurement on an almost empty stomach for ideal outcomes.

On my way to the gym, I could as of now feel this stuff was beginning to work. My face and hands began tingling which was doubtlessly brought about by the 3,2 grams of Beta-Alanine found in the Total War Pre Workout.


Showing up at the gym, I was prepared to hit the loads. After feeling an insane surge of energy and ready to start my chest workout, my head started spinning. A couple of sets into my exercise and I had to take a break for 10 Minutes, sitting down on the bench, because of the shakiness and heart beat, which at this point seemed unbearable.


After I calmed myself down, I continued my workout. My muscle seemed to be fuller and more vascular, but the pump wasn´t insane, compared to other pre workout boosters like Black Wolf.

I finished my workout on like 70% of intensity, and skipped the cardio afterwards because the rise in heart rate and blood pressure were at this point uncomfortable. Quite a stretch, after all a solid pre-workout should make you wanna go 110% in the Gym.

After 60 Minutes the effects of Total War Pre Workout, slowly diminished, and I was glad for that. Normally I am not a sensitive person when it comes to pre workout booster, but I guess this formula isn´t for me.


To learn more about BLACKWOLF – Check out my review video below:




How Much Caffeine Is In Total War Pre Workout?




You’ll track a decent amount of ingredients in Total War that will help you boost your energy.


  • L-Citrulline DL-Malate 2:1 – 6000mg
  • Beta-Alanine – 3200mg
  • Beet Root Extract – 1000mg
  • Taurine – 1000mg
  • Caffeine Anhydrous – 250mg
  • AMPiBlast – 150mg
  • Di-Caffeine Malate – 100mg
  • Theobroma cacao and Camelia sinensis Extract – 50mg
  • Naringin 98% (Citrus Gandis Fruit) – 25mg
  • Dark Pepper Extract (Bioperine) – 10mg


With 6 Grams of L-Citrulline DL-Malate, 3,2 Grams of Beta-Alanine and 1 Gram of Beet Root Extract, you might wanna be careful on your dosage to avoid side effects.

You’ll likewise discover the classical stimulant Caffeine Anhydrous in this pre-exercise. I consider 250mg per scoop to be on the upper level, compared to Black Wolfs 200mg Caffeine Anhydrous per scoop, which can make the difference between energy and unpleasant sensations, especially when you, like me, are a religious coffee drinker.


Besides Total War Pre Workout comes with an additional 70mg Di-Caffeine-Malate. This is just too much (total 320 mg caffeine on top of the other stimulant ingredients) and explains which I barely could handle how my sympathetic nervous system reacted to drinking Total War on an empty stomach.


If you someone who struggles with insomnia, restlessness or if you just someone who like his focus and energy levels to be controllable in the gym, without worrying of unpleasant adverse effects, I´d recommend you to stay away from Total War Pre Workout – It´s just too much.





Redcon1 Total War Pre Workout: Yes or No? 


In case you’re searching for a decent worth pre workout supplement, you can consider trying the Total War Pre Workout, but if you are anything like me, looking for a more sustainable pre workout boost without worrying about unpleasant sensations which will actually lower your gym performance, like high heart rate and nausea (well at least this was the case for me, not everybody is going to react in the same way), I would go with BLACKWOLF Pre Workout!




My #1 pre-workout remains BLACKWOLF. Why? I discovered it to be more suitable for me since it gives me longer and more sustainable levels of energy and focus. BLACKWOLF comes in three different flavours: Green Apple, Blue Rasperry and Fruit Punch.


Besides, I like my Pre Workout Booster to be more on the natural flavour side, and never was a fan of candy sweet workout drinks.

Additional, I like my Pre Workout Booster to come already packed with Creatine Monohydrate, in order for me to save the money to buy an extra badge of Creatine Monohydrate.

If you are looking for laser sharp focus BLACKWOLF will give you the edge at the Gym, without overloading your nervous system.


The Bottom Line


There are heaps of pre-workout supplements available. Each has its own remarkable sheet of ingredients, and today, we’ve looked into Total War by Redcon1.

Subsequent to attempting it, we’ve presumed that it is a decent pre workout booster, but with flaws, especially for sensitive people. 

Our proposal would be for you to check BLACKWOLF Pre Workout Booster!



Click Here to learn more about BLACKWOLF!


Total War Pre Workout Review

