Does Yoga Help Lose Weight? | Full Review

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Does Yoga Help Lose Weight?

Does Yoga help lose weight? Can you lose weight doing Yoga? Does Yoga make you lose weight? These are very popular search queries on the internet every month. Read through this Full Review to get the answer to these commonly asked questions. 

Yoga has become increasingly more popular in the last years, altough it has been around for thousands of years. It is a discipline focused on mental, physical and spiritual exercise and originated from ancient India. There is a wide range benefits when doing Yoga, but does yoga help lose weight?  


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What´s The Definition Of Yoga? 

Yoga is a lot more than a simple way to exercise according to the Yoga Alliance. Many people do yoga for a wide variety of reasons including managing stress, health/fitness and to soothe physical or emotional pain. 

Different variations of yoga can include different postures, music, meditation, spiritual and breath control and much more. 

Yoga has many different styles. Some of the more common styles you may have already heard of are: 


  • Soft yoga – consisting of warm-ups, breathing techniques and basic postures. It does include a good amount of movement, but is more easy on the body than some of the other variations.
  • Power yoga – Consisting of routines designed to enhance strength and stamina.
  • Yoga flows – Consisting of movements which are more aerobic and more flowing.  It helps with improving coordination and strength.
  • Spiritual yoga – is more about the spiritual side of yoga and consists of meditation and slower movements.


Does Yoga Make You Lose Weight?

Does Yoga Help Lose Weight

The Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology published a study which examined the effects of yoga training for 6 weeks, and its impact on weight loss by using a test that measures sweat loss. 

The study was conducted with 46 subjects, 23 of which were in the control group. A significant difference was found by the study between the control group and the yoga group, indicating that yoga does help lose weight! Also they have found that yoga training has produced major improvements in endurance, stamina and respiratory muscle strength. 

There is another study, published in Alternative Therapies in Medicine and Health, which looked at 15,550 middle-aged males and femals who were practicioners of yoga, and the effect their yoga routine had on gaining weight. 

This long term study was conducted for 10 years. The study came to the conclusion that regular practice of yoga was associated with decreased weight gain, especially in subjects which were overweight.


To summarize: This study was also able to indicate that Yoga does help lose weight. However, neither one of these studies have published which type of yoga the test subjects were practicing, but nonetheless they were able to lose weight, answering the question “Does yoga make you lose weight”. 

So, can you lose weight doing yoga? Well the studies have shown that you can, but it still will obviously depend on what type of yoga you are doing. Yoga styles such as Yoga Flows and Power Yoga which require more aerobic movements are going to burn more calories than the ones which are focusing on less movement and more on meditation. 



What Are Other Benefits Of Yoga?

The Research Team from the study that was published in Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine could not explain why those practicing yoga had decreased weight gain compared to the control group.

Co-Author of the study, Alan Kristal, said that it had nothing to do with burned calories, and that only very challenging yoga practices are able to burn enough calories to make a difference in body composition. 

This implies that yoga may provide other benefits which can ultimately lead to increased weight loss. Since yoga is a remarkable way to soothe stress, it may decrease eating because of stress or those practicing yoga may have a better body conciousness, leading them to look more after themselves. 

Additional great benefits that yoga can offer are: 

  • Relievement of Stress:  It has been shown that yoga is able to decrease the physical strain of stress on the body.  Also yoga has shown to reduce levels of cortisol, the hormone which gets secreted when we are under stress.  Elevated levels of cortisol have been linked with weight gain.
  • Relievement of Pain: Yoga has been shown to decrease pain in people with painful conditions such as arthritis and cancer.
  • Being able to breath better: Yoga and it´s breathing practices aids in reducing our stress response, which can improve lung function and can promote relaxation.
  • Flexibility: It can improve flexibility and enhance range of motion, which can lead to better elasticity of your muscles, ligaments and tendons.
  • Enhanced strength: Since yoga requires to use all muscles of the body, strength is increased.
  • Cardiovascular benefits: Yoga can decrease your resting heart rate, which in turn has shown to be able to increase oxygen uptake and endurance during physical activity.
  • Inner calmness: Meditating and practicing yoga, may help you develop inner quiet and calmness.


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Does Yoga Help Lose Weight: Conclusion

So, we hope to delivered an answer to your search ” Does yoga help lose weight “. Yoga can be a great workout with many health related benefits. Yoga does may help lose weight, but you may not lose weight as quickly as you would like to by only doing yoga as your only type of activity. 

Though there are studies that have shown, that yoga does help to lose weight, standalone it may not make you lose weight as quickly as you would like. If you still want to get the maximum weight loss effects out of your yoga weight loss, you should combine it with a good diet plan like The Custom Keto Diet.

Yoga does not burn as much calories as you would burn during a normal cardiovascular workout such as swimming or walking. A potent workout regimen for weight loss should consist of resistance training, flexibility exercises and cardiovascular activity. 

Instead doing only yoga, try adding it to your current cardiovascular workout and resistance training regimen. Your calories burned will add up and you will still attain the benefits of yoga. If you strictly want to stick to yoga for weight loss, we suggest that you perform only styles of yoga that are more aerobic, combinded with The Custom Keto Diet and a natural weight loss supplement like ExiPure.

Even if yoga isn´t the best way to burn a lot of calories and yoga does not help lose weight in a way you find satisfying, it still provides many other benefits. 

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