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Lose Weight In The New Year
This time of year many of us start turning our thoughts to the year that is almost over and the upcoming year. We often think about the things we haven’t gotten done yet. If this sounds like you, you may be wondering why you cant lose weight.
The good news is that you probably can, more than likely you are just going about it in the wrong way. The truth is that most people who cant lose weight just don’t go about it in the right way.
It’s just not that likely that you would have hereditary factors that keep you from losing the weight. It’s really pretty simple to lose weight, but to be on the safe side, talk to your doctor first.
It’s a good idea to make sure that your doctor knows about your weight loss plans, especially any exercise plans that you have, so she can advise you on the best course of action.
Start Your Weight Loss Efforts Slow
If you are not in good shape you need to start slowly. Also, if you have any existing conditions you will need to modify your workout to accommodate those things. You can lose the weight, no matter what obstacles you may face, but you do have to take any restrictions into account when you start.
Use A Weight Loss Journal
Another fact that you may not like to hear, is that many of us lie to ourselves about our weight loss efforts. It’s very easy to think you are doing more than you really are when it comes to what you eat and how much exercise you get. The best way to make sure you aren’t guilty of this is to start keeping a journal.
Chronicle everything you eat as well as all the exercise you get on a daily basis. If you do this diligently you may just be surprised at what you eat or that you don’t really get as much exercise as you thought you did.
I did this very thing for a few weeks and I was amazed at how much I ate that I didn’t realize. It’s so easy to eat something here or there and not really realize it.
It can be a real eye opener when you see it all written down in black and white. It may make you feel bad, but in the long run, it is a great way to accomplish what you hope to accomplish.
It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just a spiral notebook is all you need. I had a little miniature one that I kept in my purse so that I wouldn’t forget anything during the day.
After a few weeks not only will you see whether or not you are as “good” as you think you are you can also find out if you have any triggers. If you notice that you tend to eat comfort food at certain times of the day, for example, you may be able to alter that behavior.
Much of what we do is on autopilot. To get the most out of all your diet and exercise plans you need to be able to target your trouble spots and make changes. Keeping a journal is the easiest way to do just that.
So, don’t think that you can’t lose weight, now that you know what to focus on you may just find that it isn’t as hard as you thought.

Hello, My Name is Cassie Jones and I am the Main Content Author for Weight Loss Journal.